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Prompt EMR’s Powerful Billing Master Screen

Prompt EMR and practice management was built with a powerful and innovative billing solution called the Billing Master Screen. Our innovative solution enables a biller to review all the information necessary and submit a claim from one screen. That is right. A biller can review the notes the therapist generated, all the CPT and DX codes and any necessary modifiers and submit the claim. Additionally, the Billing Master Screen facilitates faxing any visit information to relevant parties. Finally, a user can invoice a patient and post payments on the screen as well.

Here is a quick look at what each of these features solves.

Review and submit claim on Billing Master Screen

Because Prompt EMR is fully-integrated, users are able to review ALL relevant information from the visit and submit a claim on the same screen.

The Billing Master Screen enables all claim and visit information to live on one screen, which is only possible because of the fully-integrated nature of Prompt EMR and practice management.

Our powerful design allows a therapist to enter preliminary billing data and their documentation before passing it off to a biller for review. From there, the biller can review all the notes, adjust any codes or units or modifiers as necessary, and submit the claim to the primary (or secondary) insurance as needed.

In addition, if a biller finds a mistake, they can send the claim back to the therapist and communicate with them with our powerful commenting system, letting them know what requires fixing.

These features do not exist anywhere else and can save therapists and billers hours of time each week and get claims submitted faster.

Track status of claim throughout life cycle

On most systems, once a user submits a claim, they have no visibility into the status of that claim until the carrier sends a response. However, Prompt EMR and practice management provides live updates on claim status and allows the user to track what claims need changes, which claims were paid and posted, and which claims are in appeal or arbitration.

With clinic owners having limited or no visibility on the status of their claims, these features enable owners to hold users accountable. Additionally, Prompt ensures that claims get submitted and posted in a timely manner.

A clinic Prompt works with lost approximately 5% of their claims due to not submitting them with in the timely submission requirements. With Prompt, that is no longer a problem as the system has built in alerts to let users know that a claim nears the timely submission deadline.

Post payments and invoice patients from Billing Master Screen

The Billing Master Screen was also built to make it seamless to post payments, track checks to patients, and invoice patients. In just a few clicks, you can mark a check as mailed to the patient, apply the co-insurance to the patient responsible, write off the not allowed amount, and invoice a patient via HIPAA-compliant email.

Physical therapy clinics often have no idea what the outstanding patient balance is and most EMR systems do not facilitate invoicing patients. Dr. Lawrence Kim of Edge Physical Therapy  and Sports Medicine had this to say:

“When I switched systems, I learned that I had over $100,000 in outstanding patient balances and my previous system did not have a way of informing me of that,” he said. “With Prompt EMR, it makes it clear which patients owe what. Prompt helped me collect thousands of dollars that my old system let slip through the cracks.”

Prompt EMR and practice management – a fully-integrated physical therapy software platform

Learn more about how Prompt EMR and practice management is changing the landscape in physical therapy with a revolutionary approach to software. With built-in documentation, billing, and Medicare logic, Prompt provides therapists, front desk employees, billers and owners the tools they need to reduce clinic inefficiencies, grow profit margins, and improve patient outcomes.

See how Prompt EMR and practice management can help your clinic! Schedule a demo today!

Prompt Staff

Prompt Therapy Solutions builds practice management software for physical therapy clinics ranging from single provider practices and startups, to large enterprise organizations.

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