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Is Your Practice Feeling Like a Zoo?

The average clinic using Prompt’s all-in-one PT software:

    • Increases revenue by $32k/yr per provider
    • Grows overall visits by 23.9%
    • Stops documenting at home

Every solution out there claims it’s the best

Learn Why Clinics Go Bananas For Prompt

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Stop Waiting for Innovation

Your practice shouldn’t be limited by the software it runs on

Before Prompt

Software that slows your team down, hurts patient experience
Buried in excel to track KPIs, inaccurate EMR reporting data
Frequent software downtime
Staff burnout caused by technology
Slow AR cycles

With Prompt

Software that supercharges your practice and team
Real-time reporting you can trust
Best uptime in the industry
Manage objectively

Happier patients and staff

“In the 19 years I’ve been a PT practice owner, I have not had a system that has been more efficient and reliable.”

Chris Campbell
Sport & Spine PT

Before Prompt

Struggle to keep patients from dropping off
Excessive typing, forced to finish notes after hours
Unclear what your day looks like or what work is outstanding
Caseload management is a massive burden
Outdated “required” fields

With Prompt

Lower cancellation and drop-off rates; better outcomes
Minimal typing
Finish your notes before the patient leaves the building
Digital intake that populates the subjective portion of your eval

Effortless caseload management

“I used to go home and work on notes until 10:30 at night, now I’m debating whether or not I need to take my laptop home with me.”

Cory Braden
Anchor Physical Therapy

Before Prompt

Stuck working avoidable rejections and claims
Manual claim review and posting
Money left on the table due to human error
Time wasted working costly denials that shouldn’t have happened

Difficulty tracking & managing patient balances

With Prompt

Get paid faster with fewer rejections
AI-powered payer rules catch errors before they go out
Reimbursements per claim maximized; collect every dollar owed
Auto clean claim posting; focus on critical work

Effortless patient collections

“Since we switched to Prompt and brought our billing in-house, we have seen our Days in AR drop from 64 to 17 and have increased our revenue per visit by 12.4%”

Amanda Brewer
Owner and CEO,
Brewer Physical Therapy

Before Prompt

Tedious manual processes
Difficulty tracking and collecting payments at the front desk
Phone tag with patients all day
Difficulty communicating with team members

With Prompt

Automated manual processes, work on value adding tasks
Seamless front desk collections. Capture payments in a few clicks
Catch eligibility issues well ahead of a patients visit
Communicate effortlessly with team members

“We have been able to have our admin staff spend more time on other value-added tasks.”

Kathleen Monteiro
Head of Operations,
Achieve Physical Therapy

Prompt is the best investment you can make in your practice

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